Introduction At some point, we had to dive into developing programs in eBPF, and that time has finally come. In this post, we'll explore several different approaches to writing eBPF programs, including powerful tools like Cilium and BCC. I'll highlight the methods that I find most efficient and convenient, because as developers, our goal is to write code quickly and effectively, without unnecessary complications. So let's get straight to the point and see how we can streamline our eBPF development workflow. I think I should clarify, my go-to method of coding eBPF programs is with Cilium and their bpf2go library. A spectacular and simple way of coding programs in kernelspace, with C like syntax, and a very comfortable way of adapting the userspace with Golang. It turns out that all you need to do that is the big brain of the people in Cilium. I won't spoil anything just yet, but keep in mind that all my tinkering with eBPF has been done with bpf2go . I st...