Introduction This post has been mainly inspired because I've been tinkering with eBPF for the past few months, getting to know it works. Now that I have what could be consider "Solid" knowledge on the matter, I thought to share and tell my experience and the possibilities I foresee with this technology. If I say that the technology world, especially IT, is in constant evolution and change I surprise no one however, it's been a long time since we get something so potentially game-changing as eBPF is. Originally, it was designed to filter network packets, but now has grown into an incredibly versatile and powerful tool that enables developers and security engineers to run sandboxed programs in the Kernel space. I'm fully aware that the moment you read Kernel a shiver was sent down your spine, and if it's not the case, I'm glad to meet another fellow low-level enthusiast. Regardless, you shouldn't be scared of any of this. To you as ...