Introduction Merry Crhistmas my fellow nerds! Here's my gift to you, I hope you enjoy. If you recall, in the last post, Your first NASM program we learned a very few basic concepts about Assembly like interruptions, codes and the role of some registers when executing an interruption. Well, interruptions are very common in this kind of programming. They basically tell the CPU to stop everything, shout to the operating system for help, and wait for a task to be done. Want to print text to the screen? You’re going to need an interruption. Need to read from a file? Time for another system interruption The thing is, these interrupts aren’t the only way to modify the execution flow. You have two more tools in your toolbelt: functions and procedures . These are essentially two fancy names for the same concept. Both are ways of altering the regular flow of execution, and both can take in parameters and perform operations that you code. The main difference is that functions return ...